"How to Cope When Things Go Wrong"

Written by Gary Simpson

There are times in every person's life when things do not go according torepparttar way we would like. All of us have our ups and downs. These can consist of periods of poor health, emotional problems, financial struggles, relationship challenges, accidents andrepparttar 111514 like.

Understand that these challenges are normal. We simply cannot exist in a "bubble of happiness" all ofrepparttar 111515 time. It would be nice but life doesn't work like that - for anyone.

When things seem to be going poorly, there are two basic options open to you:

  1. withdraw inside yourself and sink deeper and deeper into depression, probably weakening your ability to deal with future challenges.
  2. work through your troubles as best you can and try to emerge outrepparttar 111516 other side, probably making yourself stronger and wiser forrepparttar 111517 experience.

Robert Schuller, a famous clergyman and prolific author, wrote a book which he aptly titled: "Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!" (ISBN: 0-553-24245-8). In his book, Schuller says: "Name your problem and you name your possibility." It is a book about faith and strength and hope. He encourages readers never to surrender.

Deadly Drugs Hit Schools

Written by Jeff Morelock

The 18-year-old high school student died on Mother's Day. Her mother spentrepparttar night before helplessly watching. Her daughter's body temperature reached 108 degrees. Her blood cells boiled. She bled from her mouth. Was it a rare tropical fever that had caused such a horrible death? No. It was a little tan tablet called PMA.


PMA is an illegal hallucinogen with effects similar to Ecstasy. PMA is made in clandestine laboratories and has become popular with teenagers. The drug is usually sold in a tablet form withrepparttar 111513 Mitsubishi diamond emblem stamped into it. Most PMA tablets are tan, and are a little bigger than an aspirin.

Hidden Danger

Every year more high school students go to rave clubs. Once inside, drugs such as Ecstasy are easily purchased. Stricter control of chemicals used to make Ecstasy have made it expensive and difficult to buy. Illicit drug chemists sought alternatives. PMA wasrepparttar 111514 answer.

Most dance drugs raise body temperature, but PMA can send it soaring to 108 degrees. Chemicals to make PMA are easy to find. It's cheaper to make. PMA is sold as Ecstasy for a healthy profit.

Drug dealers don't care if they hurt or kill, as long as they are making money. Byrepparttar 111515 time a teenager realizes he or she has made a serious mistake, it is too late. Depending on purity and dosage,repparttar 111516 teenager could spendrepparttar 111517 rest of his or her life boiling to death internally on a rave club floor.

PMA causes users to feel euphoric and energized. Users hug and kiss each other. This often leads to sexual activity -sometimes right onrepparttar 111518 dance floor. People who use PMA say that their sense of touch, smell, and sight are more acute. Others report mild hallucinations.

Purity and dosage varies from tablet to tablet. Even tablets fromrepparttar 111519 same batch of PMA vary. One tablet provides a user withrepparttar 111520 expected experience, whilerepparttar 111521 next one out ofrepparttar 111522 bag killsrepparttar 111523 unlucky teenager who chooses it.

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